
We live in a society where greed exceeds need. Humans destroy the very earth that sustains their life for momentary gain. The planet is literally falling apart in front of our eyes and humans continue to abuse it. But abuse is all we know. Humans are the only creatures on this planet that knowingly, willingly, torment other living beings. Most of all each other. For money, for revenge..even for fun. There are humans who get pleasure from torturing animals and people. 

I’ve read articles on a practice in Indonesia of people using female orangutans for prostitution, making them wear make up and perfume, and using them as prostitutes. The male orangutans are used in boxing matches. 

I’ve read articles on men raping dogs and goats. 

I’ve read articles on animals being tortured and starved for the circus. 

I’ve read articles of people leaving their dogs tied up till they finally died of starvation. 

I’ve read articles of lions, tigers and any animal that had the misfortune of being breathtakingly beautiful being hunted and killed for sport. 

I’ve read articles of sea creatures choked and poisoned because we filled their homes with plastic and toxic waste. Dolphins hunted and killed in the name of “tradition”

All these animals suffering alone, scared and with no one to help them, no one to talk to at the hands of humans and their greed. 

And you tell me this world and this life is worth living?  



What is time but a man made construct? It’s something we invented to create structure. But along with structure came control. Mankind uses time to measure everything. The seriousness of a relationship; how often have you heard the phrase, “But, we’ve only been together a short while, we’re moving too fast.” The truth is, you could be with someone for 2 years and not feel half of what you feel for someone you’ve been with 2 months. Time is used to measure your success in life. You finished your degree before 21? Genius! You finished it by 25? Failure.

Time isn’t real. It’s just a measurement. You’re under no obligation to conform to it. Your life is on its own time. Enjoy it. Move at your pace. If you finish your degree in 2 years or in 3 or 5 or 7 if you’re happy with your progress that’s all you need. If you get a job right out of college or you get it a few years after it doesn’t matter. All that matters is what you think about it.

So much of what brings me down is these man made constructs that are built to control your life. Time, money, grades, GPA. Are any of these things real? Natural? No. We made it and we imprisoned ourselves in it. Break free and live.

Better Half

I’ve always hated the phrase “my better half” because the way I see it, I am whole. I’m a whole, complete, content person all on my own. I’m not half a person waiting for someone to come along and complete me. But that’s what makes falling in love so much more beautiful. When I fall in love it’s with someone that adds value to my life. Someone that adds happiness to my happiness. I don’t love them cause I need them, I love them cause I want to. Loving someone just for the heck of it rather than out of necessity is so much more meaningful to me. Each morning I wake up and make a conscious decision to keep loving them with nothing making me do it, and that kind of love means the world to me.


One of the most important things I’ve learnt is that true strength isn’t accepting an apology when someone gives it to you. That doesn’t take any strength at all. That’s your obligation as a human being. True strength is to accept an apology you never got. Forgive someone who isn’t sorry. That takes courage. Selflessness. The bravest people in the world are the selfless ones. But why forgive, yeah? Maybe they hurt you, broke you. What did they do to deserve your forgiveness? Heck, they didn’t even apologize! It’s not about them. It’s about you. Do it for yourself. The day you realize that, is the day you grow.

Think about the other person for a second. How broken and damaged they must be to hurt someone and not even have the courage, the bravery, to apologize. Sometimes it’s not just your eyes you need to open, but your mind too, to truly see.


On a cool night, I walked into the backyard hoping to get some alone time to sit on the backyard swing and think about life. To my disappointment I saw my parents were already in my spot. They didn’t see me because they were so immersed in conversation. My dad had his arm around my mum. They both had a cup of tea in their hands. They were talking and laughing. Mum would occasionally throw a ball for our family dog to play fetch. He would come running back and lay down at her feet. Then I realized I was immersed in this moment too. By the sheer beauty of it. It struck me that this is success. This is the kind of success I want. Happiness. To one day, sit in my beautiful house, with the love of my life and a beautiful family and be utterly content. It’s not all about money and wealth. True success is in being happy with the life you make for yourself.


Now, I’m not saying I don’t have ego, but the aim is to one day eradicate it completely. I work towards that goal everyday. To be that person who sees that someone has read my message and hasn’t replied and not be bitter about it. To go ahead and reply immediately if it’s convenient instead of ignoring them back as some sort of payback.

Everything in life would be so much easier if we were all straightforward about what we want and how we feel without letting our ego get in the way. Instead of thinking “oh, why can’t they text me first” just text them! You want to meet someone, just meet them! You don’t have to wait for them to ask. Your ego stems from the fear of what people think about you, but honestly it doesn’t matter what they think. Just do what your heart desires, let yourself be happy.

All this I write while I refuse to text someone back because they don’t pay as much attention anymore. Some days I lose my own battles.


This is probably something I talk about a lot, but I still can’t seem to have it figured out. I don’t know if it’s exclusive to my generation or if this is how it has been for everyone in their twenties, but I’ve come to notice that any form of relationship whether it’s romantic or platonic isn’t valued as much as it used to be. Maybe it’s because the level to which technology has advanced allows us to feel like everyone in our life is replaceable in a few clicks and swipes. But they’re not. Every single person we meet has something to offer that no one else can. Everyone is unique. One thing I’ve noticed in my circle (myself included) is that everyone has been hurt emotionally one way or another leading to issues like commitment phobia and trust issues. I don’t blame them cause it stems from being cheated on, used, replaced etc.

When you really think about it, it’s this mentality that people can be replaced that leads to people being used. Think about it, a hook up is a right swipe away, you feel validated, like you have a lot of friends cause you do on social media. But that’s the thing, no one is replaceable. 

Yes, some people are terrible, they hurt you horribly, put you through unimaginable pain. But some people are amazing, full of magic and could heal your broken soul with their energy. I’ve had my fair share of painful, traumatizing emotional rollercoasters. I could have chosen to stop trusting people, loving them deeply and opening myself to people to keep myself safe. But instead I chose to learn that I can survive the worst and be even more daring.

I’d rather love fiercely and either get hurt or have an adventure to remember forever. Life’s too short to play it safe.